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Learn to Pray Effectively, No. 4

"Ask and it shall be given you" (Matthew 7:7). How many of you have asked for something and you did not get what you asked for? The truth is we all have. What is the problem? The tense in the Greek here says, "keep on asking." Have you heard this before? This is a big key to getting your prayers answered. James 4:2 is one of the most important verses in the Bible on prayer, "Ye have not because ye ask not." Here it is again, the Greek says, "you have not because you do not keep on asking." Don't faint, get weak hearted, (Lk 18) keep on asking. the answer is on the way. How much more will He give good things to them that "keep on asking."

We make too many 911 calls to God and are not in it for the long haul to "keep on asking." God wants us to make 911 calls for He said, "Call unto me in the day of trouble and I will answer thee." Have you made that written out prayer list yet so you don't forget to "keep on asking."

Wait until you hear about the nurse who got saved in the hospital. He was so ready. YOU COULD HAVE LED HIM TO CHRIST! Thanks for your love and prayers. I love you dearly, all because of Calvary, sumner


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