When I ask people in my meetings, "What do you want out of life?" they
answer, "I want love, joy and peace (security)." God tells us that He sent the
Holy Spirit to produce this fruit in us (Gal. 5:22). You also can have this fruit.
The Lord Jesus came into the world, suffered and died for our sins, paid our debt in
full, rose again, went back to Heaven and sat down because He had finished what He came to
do. Ten days later, God sent the Holy Spirit to take up where the Lord Jesus left off.
Today, there are over 30 ministries of the Holy Spirit to Christians.
You are gifted! Learn from two chapters in this book what the gifts are and
how to discover your gifts. The tragedy is what people could be; what they could do if
they would only let the Holy Spirit take over their lives. This 200-page book teaches you
how to be filled with the Spirit, how to walk in the Spirit, and how to let the Holy
Spirit take over and do all He came to do.
New Life Tracts will send you the book How On Earth Can I Be Spiritual? for a
gift of $10.00 or more.
After pastoring for 13 years, it was my joy to teach Pastoral Theology. This book is the outcome of over 50 years preaching and teaching. Pastoring is the
highest calling, greatest joy and most rewarding ministry one could ever have. Every aspect of pastoring is thrilling and we have tried to teach it as such. Going to church ought to be exciting. Pastors can make every service and aspect of the ministry a joy and a blessing but it has to be worked at to do so. Someone said, "It is a sin to make the Word of God boring." It is just as true to say, "It is a sin to make church services boring." There is a world out there going to hell. The politicians and public don't have the answers to life but we believers do. We must get the gospel to
every person. Every service and aspect of the ministry ought to be designed to helping people go to heaven and to help those going to enjoy the trip. Weddings and
especially funerals are wonderful places to present the gospel and give people
an opportunity to pray to receive the Lord Jesus. These and many other ways are shown to be possibilities for helping people go to heaven.
Discipling and counseling as well as evangelism ought to be main goals of every sermon. Truth is to transform and not just inform. Preaching must be geared for a decision
or the "seed" will be snatched from the heart by the enemy before people get home. A chapter for the pastor's wife is written by my wife who is the supreme example of what a pastor's wife ought to be and do. It has been our deepest desire that this book bless pastors, help churches and glorify the Lord Jesus.
New Life Tracts will send you a copy of the book The Guide to Practical
Pastoring for
a gift of $10.00 or more.
It has been said that "a picture is worth a thousand words." The Tabernacle
is a perfect example it is full of pictures of the Christian life. The very wall
around the tabernacle, with its one door, brings to life Jesus' statement that "I am
the door, . . . . no one comes to the Father but by me. (John 10:9, 14:6)" The
brazen altar and its sacrifices are full of truth about Jesus as the Lamb of God. The
laver and where it was placed was important. The fact that no one dared to enter the holy
place without washing "lest they die," speaks volumes. The
which was the food of priests, teaches us so much about the Word of God, which is our food
as a "kingdom of priests" today. The altar of incense can make prayer come to
life as nothing else can. The Holy of Holies is the picture of Heaven, where God dwells.
All together, it shows the way to heaven.
The book is outlined, so it is very easy for preachers and teachers to use. We always had
many visitors on the Sunday evenings when we preached it, for so few had heard the
Tabernacle preached. It will help and bless every believer.
New Life Tracts will send you a copy of the book Teaching from the Tabernacle for
a gift of $10.00 or more.
This book contains 60 one-page devotionals on soul winning. These highly motivational
lessons will fire you up to share the gospel with EVERY person you meet. Jack Wyrtzen
said, "This is the best thing written today on soul winning." A family used
these for their family devotionals, and through them, God called their 16-year-old son
into the ministry. Each lesson is filled with Scripture and practical advice to help you
win souls. "Every saved person this side of heaven ought to be vitally concerned
about every lost person this side of hell." This book will help you be concerned for
the lost and tell you how to do something for them.