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Learn to Pray Effectively, No. 2

In Luke 18 we see the second parable on prayer. It is the widow coming to the unjust judge asking him to avenge her of her adversary. He did not fear God nor favor man and "He would not." But because of her "continual coming...crying day and night" he gave her what she asked for. "And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?" 

The key again is to "keep on asking" until He answers. Sometimes, for some reason, "he bears long with them" and we must be in it for the long haul and keep on coming. In other words, as in the beginning of this parable, "don't faint" don't lose heart and quit. Remember, I prayed for 35 years for my Father before he got saved. 

Instant rice and instant coffee and instant potatoes are about to ruin us. We want instant answers to our prayers or we give up. No, we are to "keep on asking." Learn this lesson and you will begin to see answers like you never did before. 

This leads to the next lesson, you must have a prayer list, written out, to have an effective prayer life. Be sure to come back next Monday.

"Life is fragile, handle it with prayer" Keep praying about your "big decision." It is still in the talking stage. Not sure what He wants!

Love you, all because of Calvary, sumner


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