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Learn to Pray Effectively, No. 10

"Enlarge my coast." 2 Chron. 4:19. Jabez wanted his territory, his influence enlarged. Today, a great host are praying, for God to enlarge their ministry, their impact for God and seeing incredible results.

Bruce Wilkinson, founder of Walk Through The Bible, has this as his life verse and prays it every day. He told me his world wide ministry all came as a result of praying Jabez prayer. Jack Graham pastor of the great Prestronwood Baptist Church in Dallas, TX said publicly of their enormous and new facilities "All of this is a result of us praying daily, "Enlarge our borders." 

Right now, my book Fishing For Men is being used as a daily devotional on the web site of American Tract Society. God did that in answer to praying "Enlarge my borders." See it American Tract Society -- Evangelistic Tracts and Literature click on email daily devotions. Let them send you samples of their tracts, free.

One missionary had six major openings come to him in two months after praying this daily. A Christian author was told his book on pastoring was going to be reprinted and given to 40,000 pastors after he prayed this for several months. A Sunday School teacher's class grew dramatically when he began praying this. Now a new one! A business man told me last week, his business almost doubled the past two months since he began praying Jabez prayer! Thousands, who have caught this, are seeing the same phenomena. Pray this, every day, for your ministry, your S.S. class or what ever. God still grants this request. You and I must function to our maximum. Let'ds pray it be so for each other. Remember God LOVES you and so do I, all because of Calvary, sumner


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