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Christ and the Cults

Witnessing with the Word

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Presenting the Plan
Romans 3:10, 23; 6:23; 5:8; 10:9, 10, 13

Do most people want to be saved today? No. Do they want peace, joy, security, purpose and the freedom that Christians have? Most assuredly yes! Then why don't people clamor for salvation? One reason is that so often they never see this side of Christianity. In witnessing too few start out by creating an interest through presenting the wonderful benefits of Christ and salvation. Remember, Jesus said to the Samaritan woman, "If thou knewest the gift of God . . . thou wouldest have asked of him" (John 4:10). Seek first to create interest by personal testimony to the wonders of salvation.

It is important then to instruct people in how to become a Christian. The "Roman Road" is very logical and simple to use. Show from Romans that we all have sinned (3:23) and should be punished (6:23), but a substitute died for us (5:8) and salvation is ours by trusting (10:9, 10, 13).

To use illustrations is to follow Christ's example and is often very needful. Find at least one good illustration for each point. Most people will admit they, as well as all, have done their share of wrong or sin (3:23). "Suppose a man committed murder and said to the judge, 'Yes, I killed the man, but look at all the good things I have done since then.' Can the judge let him go free? No, not and be just. For justice to be done, God must punish all sin." Such can illustrate Romans 6:23.

"Suppose I owed ten thousand dollars and couldn't pay a penny; but a friend said, 'I love you. Let me pay the debt for you. You couldn't pay it, and you can't pay me back either. I want to give it to you,' and then handed my creditor ten thousand dollars in cash. I wouldn't owe one more penny." Such a simple illustration helps explain Romans 5:8 and its implications.

In inviting someone to receive the Saviour, explain that just as a man says, "Yes, I'll take this woman to be my wife," so God says, "As many as received him [Christ]" would become the sons of God (John 1:12-13). Then have him pray to consciously and pointedly tell God that he is receiving Christ. If he receives Christ, God will receive him, for God states, "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out" (John 6:37).


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