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Recently I had lunch with a former student who now pastors a terrific church in Florida. As usual, I gave the waitress a tract when she took our order. During the lunch time I showed the gospel cube to my pastor friend who had not seen it before. He really saw the potential and I gave him the one I had. 

By the time we finished eating most of the people had gone back to work. When the waitress took the money for the meal, Darrell said, "Brother Wemp, show her the cube." It was awesome. She was captivated by the way it presented the plan of salvation in pictures. God opened her eyes and heart to the message and right there she prayed out loud with us to receive the Lord Jesus. She was in tears and rejoicing in her salvation. It was a live demonstration and we all rejoiced.

A man bought five gospel cures to give one to each of his children and one for himself and his wife. Later he told how his 10 year old boy led his buddy to Christ with the gospel cube.

A man walked into the office of a missionary of Global Missions Fellowship and laid this cube, blank at the time, that opens all kinds of ways and said, "Here do something with this." He and some others got together and put pictures together on it that present the plan of salvation, with colored pictures, so clearly that anyone, even children can use it effectively to win others to Christ. They are going like hotcakes. He told me, he felt God gave it to them in answer to praying what Jabez prayed when he said, "Enlarge out borders" our ministry, our impact! I believe it is so too. 

Since telling about it so many have wanted them that I am offering them through my web site. Remember all the money from my material goes to missions. Look it over and get some for yourself, your family and your church. It is the most effective tool I have come across to present the gospel!  Men put it on their desk at their office and have others ask about it and have the open door to present the gospel. 

Paul said, "That I might by all means save some" I Cor. 9:22. Here is a means to win some to Christ that you can use and see God "enlarge our borders too."


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